Wednesday 17 September 2014

Old Buckenham residents comments to Parish Council

Subjects raised during public recess
A period at the start of each parish council meetings allows the public to raise points that they would like to be considered. Notes of the points raised is given below and is based on the draft notes produced by the parish clerk.
A resident wanted parking in the Village Hall to involve both the Junior School and the Pre-school group. A letter has been sent to parents giving two options regarding parking in the Village Hall car park. The first option was for parents to buy a permit costing £7 for 34 days to enable them to seek a parking space. Option 2 was to allocate up to 40 spaces which will be available only to selected parents at a small cost in the village hall car park. A plan to extend car parking at the village hall has been submitted to the Parish Council which would use part of the recreation area. The recreation area currently is 1.2 acres and they would use 0.4 of an acre for parking. They would be seeking approval from the Parish Council for this option. Steve Milner asked for councillors and other groups within the village to set up a working party to look at the suggestions. Adrian Joel, Carol Marshall and John Frost expressed views on the matter. Steve Milner said the school would not accept responsibility over the parking issues. It was suggested that two councillors join the working party along with representatives from the Village Hall. A resident raised matter of a planning application due to be discussed later in meeting. Another resident raised the matter of the new school and involving the local MP. Steve Milner referred to a letter from NCC which indicated they would extend the current 30mph speed limit and also supply part-time 20mph flashing signs following intervention by the local MP. A resident asked why no money was coming from NCC and also raised the matter of a roundabout outside the school entrance. He was informed that a roundabout would not be put in place. Resident raised matter of new proposed Disciplinary and Grievance policy and said he had been in contact with both NALC and ACAS.

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