Monday 7 October 2013

Parish Council in October

Latest parish council activity
These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended at a later date.
One member of the public attended the October meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council. Four council members (Carol Marshall, Sarah Dye, Paul Boggia and Akis Chrisovelides) were unable to attend and had sent their apologies.
The meeting was suspended for a short while to allow the member of the public to ask questions.
The minutes of the September Parish Council meeting were signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting, this was agreed unanimously. There were no matters arising from the minutes.
Attleborough Development Plan. The Parish Clerk said he had received six written requests from parish councillors to overturn the vote allowing the land at Old Buckenham airfield and south of Bunn’s Bank to be included in the Attleborough Neighbourhood Plan. It was proposed by Adrian Joel and seconded by Tom Johnson that the vote be overturned but that Old Buckenham Parish Council would remain on the steering group. This was agreed with 5 for, 1 against and 1 abstaining.
Planning Applications. 45 Fen Street. Demolish existing porch and replace with proposed single storey extension. No objections from the Parish Council, this was agreed with 6 for and Steve Milner abstaining.
Land off Folly Lane. Erection of agricultural livestock building and associated hardstanding and feed bin. No objections but suggested that access from the site would be from Carlton Rode, this was agreed unanimously.
Planning decisions received from Breckland. Westward, The Green. Demolish existing games room/store extension and replace with single storey extension and conservatory. Permission granted.
Old Field Barn, Abbey Road. Alteration to garage previously approved by rotation of 90 degrees and increase size to accommodate biomass boiler store and music room. Permission granted.
Chairman’s report. Tim Ing said he hoped to have moved into his new house but until this happened he had very restricted phone and internet access. He also raised concerns about lorries being directed down to Stacksford by their satnav systems where they were ending up lost and causing damage to tree and hedgerows.
District Councillor’s report. Adrian Joel said an interim Chief Executive has been installed at Breckland and he will be shared with South Holland District Council. With effect from the beginning of October, all scrap metal dealers and collectors have to be licenced and display the licence on their vehicles. Norfolk District Councils have a responsibility to ensure they recycle as many materials as they can and in a way that is convenient to them. An opportunity has been taken through the re-tendering of the materials reclamation facility contract to increase the range of materials collected across Norfolk. The new scheme should save money as well as reap significant environmental benefits through increased recycling. Breckland residents will be able to recycle more materials through the black bin collection and amongst the additional materials able to be recycled will be glass. The new service is expected to be started in 2014/15. The community recycling bank scheme will continue to operate in 2014/15 on the same basis as now. In addition, for 2014/15 only, compensatory payments, in lieu of the potential reduction in tonnages collected through the banks, will be made. The new Electoral Roll forms will shortly be issued to all residents and they are asked to return them to Breckland as it is an offence not to do so.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Tom Johnson said he attended a recent Village Hall committee meeting and they had received some complaints about noise levels at a recent event at the hall. They are now looking to have a noise level indicator installed to prevent it happening again. They are hoping to run a first aid course soon and the cost will £165 per person. They are seeking funding to pay for the updating of the hall sound system which will cost £2,216 and asked if Adrian Joel could assist them getting match funding. Adrian Joel said he would support the application. A Bingo evening would be held at the hall in early October. Jonathan Kemp said the goal nets at the Recreation Area need to be swapped over as the supplier had sent the wrong size nets and they will be replaced as soon as possible. Steve Milner reported he attended the recent meeting on broadband where the aim is to get 89% of the Norfolk population on high speed broadband by 2018, they hope to have Old Buckenham connected by 2015. He addressed the issue of the noise complaints at the village hall where a party was held. He attended the village hall when the complaints were made and asked for the music to be turned down. They agreed to do this but never did so the police were contacted and eventually they attended the event and the music was turned down. The event closed on time at midnight and the Village Hall would be looking at ways to prevent such incidents happening again. The Village Hall fete this year raised £1,650 and next year’s fete will be held on Saturday 19 July. The Jake Thackray show will be at the Village Hall on Friday 25 October and tickets are still available. The outdoor cinema night was a great evening that came to an early end due to a mechanical fault. He then raised the matter of getting 20mph speed restrictions in the village and suggested getting our County Councillor involved. The item is to be put on the November agenda and the County Councillor invited to attend. Adrian Joel raised matter of the pothole outside the village shop and suggested the Parish Council should repair it. The meeting was informed that the Parish Council was not responsible for the repair as it is not on land owned by Parish Council. He also said that All Saints church had been awarded a grant of £5000 by Breckland Council for work on the church. The matter of possible shortages of grave plots was raised and John Frost said there were approximately seven years of spaces left. Tim Ing said he went to Old Buckenham Airfield at weekend for the event held to celebrate the life of the late Ken Wallis and had a great time there. A letter to be sent to Matt Wilkins thanking him for putting on the event.
Parish Clerk’s report. The Parish Clerk said that he hoped to be in his new house by Friday 25 October and have everything back to normal by the end of the month. He then gave details of the new implications of the setting of precepts and said there may be a shortfall in what is needed and what the Parish Council could set.
Highways. On the north side of Bunn’s Banks on B1077 a manhole cover was collapsing inwards. There were potholes in Church Lane opposite Church House and also a further eight potholes in Doe Lane. The Parish Clerk to speak to Highways on the matter.
The Green. Tom Johnson said the edges of the Green need cutting to bring them into line with the rest of the Green. The next meeting of the Green Rights Proprietors will be on Tuesday 22 October.
The next meetings of Old Buckenham Parish Council will be the Precept meeting on Thursday 17 October and the normal Parish Council meeting on Thursday 7 November. Both meetings will be in the Village Hall starting at 7.30pm.

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