Monday 8 October 2012

October Parish Council Meeting

What Old Buckenham discussed in October
The following notes of the meeting have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is subsequently changed at the next parish council meeting.

There was just one member of the public at the October Parish Council meeting. All the councillors (except Sarah Dye who had sent her apologies) were present.
The meeting was suspended to allow the public to ask questions before the meeting then resumed.
Minutes of the September meeting. Various amendments were made to these minutes. Under ‘Parish councillors’ reports’ it should read grant applications are being made and not have been made. Also under ‘District councillor’s report’ it should read that as part of the Localism Act 2012 there will be changes to council tax benefits from April 2013, with these being paid by Breckland Council and not central government. It is expected that the amount received from central government will be about 10% less than 2012. Breckland Council will be consulting with residents as to how to fill the gap. Old age pensioners and vulnerable people will not be affected. The text from ‘The Localism local council tax’ to end of the paragraph was deleted. With these amendments the minutes were signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
Matters arising from the minutes. Adrian Joel raised the matter of money not received from Jubilee mugs ordered by residents and not yet paid for. Tim Ing said any unclaimed mugs would be sold. The Shrubland planning application will go before Breckland Planning Committee on Monday 29 October.
Speeding signs. Derek Smalley said that there are stick-on signs available regarding speeding in villages which can be fixed to wheelie bins. He suggested that the Parish Council buy 50 at a cost of £50 and the new Speedwatch group would distribute them through the village. It was agreed to buy the signs with 9 for and 1 against.
Review of Financial Regulations. Akis Chrisovelides said that this review had been completed and they now needed to be reviewed by the Parish Clerk so the matter was deferred to the November meeting.
Village Hall car park. Tom Johnson said the car park surface is due to be resurfaced during the School half term holiday. It was suggested the grass parking surface facing the Recreation Area could be dug up, incorporated into the resurfacing work and the top soil taken away and used towards creating a BMX track by the Recreation Area.
Planning applications. None.
Planning decisions received from Breckland. None.
Chairman’s report. Tim Ing said that two grit bins were ready for installation, one for the corner of Crown Road and Mill Road and the other on Cake Street at Prince Harry’s Wood. The Parish Clerk is to contact Highways to arrange filling. Tim Ing had checked the water meter reading at the allotments to get a final bill for the year-end of the lease agreements. An accident had occurred in Hargham Road involving a young girl on a scooter. It was reported that Stuart Barker will be doing the grass cutting on the Recreation Area at a cost of £50 per cut. Tim Ing would also be attending the Planning Committee meeting being held on Monday 29 October where the Shrublands development would be considered by Breckland Council.
District Councillor’s report. Adrian Joel said that Breckland Council had held five meetings throughout the district to consult on the change to the Council Tax Support Scheme. This would involve changes to Council Tax benefits but full consultation is being undertaken with residents. The annual canvas of households started at the end of June 2012 and the new register of electors will be available after Tuesday 16 October. The Norfolk Police and Crime Commissioner election will take place on Thursday 15 November. The Local Government Boundary Commission will shortly be reviewing the Breckland ward boundaries from February 2013. This will aim to make each ward more equal in numbers of residents as at present some wards have up to 30% less than average. There will be a parade through Dereham on Wednesday 5 December for the troops returning from Afghanistan to Swanton Morley.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Tom Johnson said road surfaces are resurfaced very quickly but they are slow to re-paint the road markings. The Parish Clerk is to contact Highways on the matter. Paul Boggia said the drain on the B1077 at the War Memorial was overflowing. Jonathan Kemp said they are still looking at funding streams for the Recreation Area including funding from Norfolk County Council. The Working Party are still looking at creating a BMX track and seeing what needs to be done to construct one. The grant application to Tesco was unsuccessful. Derek Smalley said speeding in Cake Street had been raised with him by residents and the verge there is very worn and there is no footpath. Vegetation around the village pond near the Gamekeeper is causing visibility problems. The speed checks in Hargham Road involved 673 vehicles being checked. Forty-nine were speeding in Hargham Road (five endorsable fixed penalty notices were issued, eight speeders elected to attend speed awareness courses and 50 warning letters were sent out). Carol Marshall attended the recent Almhouse Charity meeting, the driveway at the houses had lots of potholes. She reminded everyone to donate old textiles for recycling credits so the Recreation Area can generate extra funds. The matter of the missing grant application email sent by Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch was raised. The Parish Clerk said he had no record of receiving it but would try to put a trace on it through MSN. John Frost said a representative from the Lottery Fund had recently visited the church and a decision on their grant application would be made in December. A bat inspection had been carried out at the church. No bats were found, only some small amounts of bat droppings. Steve Milner said a Road Safety group had been formed and they have twelve volunteers. They are setting up a Community Speedwatch group as police have given them the go ahead and are currently awaiting training on using the equipment. Steve Milner would be putting together a presentation on speeding above 30mph and its effect on injury levels to people. Old Buckenham 2000 Trust has now new trustees and a barn dance has been arranged for Saturday 13 October. Around 120 tickets have been sold but there are still some available. Steve Milner also thanked Ron Brewer for all his efforts over the past two years to get a Community Speedwatch scheme for the village. Adrian Joel had attended a Town and Parish Forum Meeting in October which covered changes to the Council Tax Support Scheme. The St Andrews Close house building has been put back for a year because of great crested newts being found in a pond on the site. A further survey of them has to be carried out next summer and building cannot go ahead until this is completed. The Allotment Liaison Group meeting had produced a revised tenancy agreement which was approved by the Parish Council. Adrian Joel along with John Frost had visited the allotments to look at the effects of putting a hedge on the allotments. Both councillors thought a hedge would not be appropriate as there is not enough space to plant one and any hedge would block the sun to some of the allotments. Tim Ing suggested that councillors visit the site to look further at the matter.
Parish Clerk’s report. The Clerk informed the meeting that as from the next election, all parish council elections would have to be paid for by the parish council. If other elections were taking place at the time then the cost would be shared. The Old Buckenham Parish Council would now have to precept for all future meetings. The cost in 2012 is estimated at £900 and if no other elections are taking place when Parish Council elections are held, then the estimated cost would be £2800.
Highways. The lines on roadways have not yet been done following resurfacing. A footpath is desired on Hargham Road at the entrance from Hargham for the first 150 yards. A crossing person is required for the B1077 and Hargham Road at school opening and closing times. Inspection covers in Mill Road near Mill Cottages have been covered over during re-surfacing. The drain near the Old School House, The Green, is blocked and overflowing. The Parish Clerk is to contact Highways on these matters.
The Green. The Green Right Proprietors are holding a meeting at the Church Rooms on Tuesday 23 October.
The next meetings of Old Buckenham Parish Council are the Precept meeting on Wednesday 24 October and the normal monthly council meeting on Thursday 1 November. Both meetings commence at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

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