Saturday 27 February 2010

What the council said

Parish Council in February

These notes of the parish council meetings are prepared by the editor of the village newsletter from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended later at the next month's meeting.
The full, unedited minutes are posted on the notice board outside the village shop prior to the next parish council meeting.

This meeting on Thursday 4 February was attended by William Nunn, the Norfolk County Councillor and five members of the public. Apologies for being unable to attend were given by Stephen Thorley and Trevor Crook.
After a minor amendment, the minutes of the January meeting were signed as being a true and accurate record of the meeting.
Matters arising from the minutes. Carol Marshall asked that if anything was being put on the notice board at the village shop then could a copy be made available for all councillors. Adrian Joel said that the telephone box glass had not been repaired and that the lay by at the shop was not yet repaired. The Parish Clerk is to follow up on these items. Adrian Joel also said he had met with the new headmaster as district councillor and the head master will be writing to the Parish Council and would like to attend a parish council meeting at some time in the near future.
Planning applications. 12 Hargham Road. Demolishing of shed and erection of two-storey dwelling and double garage. It was proposed by Tim Ing and seconded by Mike Craven-Romain that the parish council should object to this on grounds of over-development of the site. There were also access issues with Hargham Close and drainage concerns. This proposal was agreed with seven votes for and Adrian Joel abstaining.
Holly Cottage, Ragmere Road. Erection of sectional garage. There were no objections to this application.
Planning decisions received from Breckland. Little Stacksford Farm, approved.
Parish Council website. Parish Clerk informed the meeting that Ron Brewer is trying to arrange something with an existing Old Buckenham website. The Parish Clerk is to contact him and see what developments have taken place on the matter.
Emergency Plan. The Parish Clerk read out a statement from Trevor Crook who was unable to attend. The plan is available in draft form and will be circulated to all councillors during February. He needs to enter a name for Deputy Emergency Co-ordinator and Adrian Joel agreed for his name and details to be used.
Health and Safety policy. The Parish Clerk said that he had circulated the policy document to all councillors and asked if anyone had any amendments or suggested alterations. It was proposed by Tim Ing and seconded by Kerry Talbot that the document be adopted and this was agreed unanimously.
Recreation and Play Areas. Liz Taylor said that the fourth side of the fencing has been completed on the Recreation Area and an invoice received (as per quote). This side of the fence was financed by a grant from the Old Buckenham 2000 Trust. They had received two quotes for the multi-sports equipment and are awaiting a third to help them with their grant applications. Kerry Talbot on the Just Play Area said the bad weather had meant they had to secure extensions to all their grants. The revised timetable had been put in the February edition of the village newsletter. Also because of the bad weather they have had to act quickly to organise turfing and it was hoped to start work early in February.
Kerry Talbot was seeking another quote for the fencing work as she thought Playdale’s quote of £3,525 was too high, she would also approach Carriageman for a quote. They have a contingency fund of £3,000 and just over £20,000 in the bank and will be seeking approval of payment to Playdale of £13,395. The chairman thanked both Kerry Talbot and Mike Craven-Romain for all their hard work in getting the project to this stage.
Trell & Co. The Parish Clerk gave details of a conversation he had with Trell & Co earlier who had informed him that Terry Cracknell had not filed his claim papers by the required date and no court hearing took place. Carol Marshall said she had heard from Terry Cracknell that the court had not appointed a hearing date. Norman Cawston then gave his recollection of events from the start of the project and the different cost proposals put forward at that time. The meeting was informed that the Parish Clerk had obtained three quotes and that Trell & Co was accepted as the contractor. Norman Cawston said that drainage along Crown Road was not the responsibility of Parish Council. Tim Ing said that a limit of £800 had been put on the drainage and Gerald Norton and Liz Taylor also put forward views on the whole matter. Adrian Joel said that the Parish Council had done a great job over the past three years but was now upsetting some villagers over the footpath situation. He said the footpath was used by many residents and he proposed that £2019.41 be paid to Trell & Co who could then refund Terry Cracknell his money subject to the Parish Clerk ensuring the Parish Council were acting in a lawful manner and that Terry Cracknell withdraw all claims relating to the matter. Adrian Joel then asked for a recorder vote. Carol Marshall expressed the view that the contract was between Trell & Co and Old Buckenham Parish Council and that at one time a higher figure invoice had been issued. Norman Cawston said that he had issued three cheques against an invoice which Trell & Co said was the amount owing to them by Old Buckenham Parish Council. Gerald Norton asked that the meeting be suspended to allow the past Parish Clerk to speak. When the meeting resumed after the suspension, Gerald Norton seconded Adrian Joel’s proposal. Liz Taylor, Adrian Joel, Gerald Norton and Carol Marshall voted for, Kerry Talbot and Mike Craven-Romain voted against with Norman Cawston and Tim Ing abstaining. The proposal was therefore carried.
District Councillor’s report. Adrian Joel said that Breckland had set its budget and proposed to freeze the Breckland Council Tax for year 2010/11 which was expected to be confirmed by full Council on Thursday 25 February. The Local Development Framework meeting in East Harling in January was attended by Stephen Thorley who spoke on behalf of the Parish Council. The next public consultation meeting on the matter will take place in April/May.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Gerald Norton attended the Village Hall Meeting and the car park was once again discussed and the need for major repairs to be done. Mike Craven-Romain said he had been approached by residents concerning a vehicle which was kicking out stones onto the pavement when it left and entered the property in Hargham Road. Norman Cawston is to visit the property and speak to the resident concerned. Tim Ing asked the Parish Clerk to see if the Hargham Road from the Green to the A11 junction could be included on next year's gritting rota by Norfolk County Council. The Parish Clerk is to write to Norfolk County Council on the matter.
Parish Clerk’s Report. The Parish Clerk said a review of the Governance and Accountability in regard to the finance aspect of the Parish Council needs to be carried out by a Parish Councillor within the next two months. The Parish Council will have to sign off the 2010 accounts and they have to sign to say they have carried out a review. Stephen Thorley was suggested and Norman Cawston said he would approach him on the matter (Kerry Talbot said she would do the review if Stephen Thorley could not). The Clerk said that he had received an email from Ron Brewer asking about the possibility of the Parish Council having a Community Speedwatch. The Parish Clerk informed the meeting that Norfolk Constabulary had no more funds to finance any new schemes and he would inform Ron Brewer of this.
Highways. A pot hole in Leys Lane outside Hill Farm had been reported. Also Carol Marshall said the ditch 300 yards past Puddledock Corner on the right was blocked and is causing flooding. The Parish Clerk is to deal with both issues.
The Green. Tim Ing said that the Green Rights Proprietors AGM, to be followed by a normal meeting, was being held on Tuesday 23 February and no agenda was yet available. There were also no official minutes, only some handwritten notes in a notebook. Adrian Joel said the Green Rights Proprietors should be thanked for the good work of the probation service and asked if Tim Ing could ask them how they hoped to maintain the standard through the coming year.
Any other business. Carol Marshall asked if the Parish Council had replied to the Revd Hill’s letter. Norman Cawston informed the meeting that he had spoken to Revd Hill on the matter. Adrian Joel raised the matter of the Annual Parish Meeting and the Parish Clerk said he was dealing with it.
The next meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council will be on Thursday 4 March at the Village Hall at 7.30pm.

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